Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This is the weirdest item I could find in the keyword search for "equipment"- 361 results.

Here is part of the artist's description:

Miles is felted in black with his traditional favorite blue coveralls held on with one felt button. He is wearing a removeable faux straw hat made from wool with a waxed linen cord to keep the wind from blowing it off. It has convenient holes to allow his ears to be comfortable. He has a huge toothy grin and green eyes with glass bead pupils.

That's right- Miles... he comes pre-named just for you!

The best part is actually looking at the key words selected: art, fiber art, needle felted, soft sculpture, animals, cat, tractor, nostalgia, farming equipment, collectible, folk art

I'm going to go out on a limb and say if your crafting piece requires the key words "cat" and "tractor" perhaps you should go the extra mile and throw in "weird" and "ohmygodseriouslyacatonatractor". But that's just me...


1 comment:

  1. I think OMGcatontractor could be a great Treasury! Assuming you find anything else to put in it. ;-) Fun idea.


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